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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu sci.space:51982 sci.astro:28928 news.answers:4369
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!eff!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!emory!gatech!concert!borg!mahler!leech
- From: leech@mahler.cs.unc.edu (Jon Leech)
- Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.astro,news.answers
- Subject: Diffs to sci.space/sci.astro Frequently Asked Questions
- Message-ID: <diffs_723318039@cs.unc.edu>
- Date: 2 Dec 92 17:40:51 GMT
- Expires: 6 Jan 93 17:40:39 GMT
- Sender: news@cs.unc.edu
- Followup-To: poster
- Organization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Lines: 473
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Supersedes: <diffs_720641511@cs.unc.edu>
- Archive-name: space/diff
- (These are hand-edited context diffs; do not attempt to use them to patch
- old copies of the FAQ).
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.intro
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a21189 Wed Dec 2 12:29:28 1992
- --- FAQ.intro Tue Dec 1 20:23:42 1992
- ***************
- *** 225,230 ****
- --- 225,231 ----
- baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) - planetary probe schedules
- bankst@rata.vuw.ac.nz (Timothy Banks) - map projections,
- variable star analysis archive
- + bern@uni-trier.de (Jochen Bern) - German mnemonic translation
- brosen@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov (Bernie Rosen) - Space Camp
- bschlesinger@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov (Barry Schlesinger) - FITS format
- cew@venera.isi.edu (Craig E. Ward) - space group contact info
- ***************
- *** 248,253 ****
- --- 249,255 ----
- shuttle landings, spysats, propulsion, "Face on Mars"
- hmueller@cssun.tamu.edu (Hal Mueller) - map projections,
- orbital dynamics
- + jbh55289@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Josh Hopkins) - launch services
- jim@pnet01.cts.com (Jim Bowery) - propulsion, launch services
- jscotti@lpl.arizona.edu (Jim Scotti) - planetary positions
- kcarroll@zoo.toronto.edu (Kieran A. Carroll)- refs for spacecraft design
- ***************
- *** 269,274 ****
- --- 271,277 ----
- rdb@mel.cocam.oz.au (Rodney Brown) - propulsion refs
- rja7m@phil.cs.virginia.edu (Ran Atkinson) - FTPable astro. programs
- rjungcla@ihlpb.att.com (R. Michael Jungclas)- models
- + roelle@sigi.jhuapl.edu (Curt Roelle) - German mnemonic translation
- seal@leonardo.jpl.nasa.gov (David Seal) - Cassini mission schedule
- shafer@skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov (Mary Shafer) - photos, shuttle landings
- smith@sndpit.enet.dec.com (Willie Smith) - photos
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.net
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a21194 Wed Dec 2 12:29:30 1992
- --- FAQ.net Tue Dec 1 20:23:43 1992
- ***************
- *** 66,72 ****
- capture, starflight, orbital debris removal, etc. Email to
- space-tech-request@cs.cmu.edu to join. Archives of old digests and
- selected excerpts are available by anonymous FTP from
- ! daisy.learning.cs.cmu.edu ( in /usr/anon/public/space-tech,
- or by email to space-tech-request if you don't have FTP access.
- SEDS-L is a BITNET list for members of Students for the Exploration and
- --- 66,72 ----
- capture, starflight, orbital debris removal, etc. Email to
- space-tech-request@cs.cmu.edu to join. Archives of old digests and
- selected excerpts are available by anonymous FTP from
- ! gs80.sp.cs.cmu.edu ( in /usr/anon/public/space-tech,
- or by email to space-tech-request if you don't have FTP access.
- SEDS-L is a BITNET list for members of Students for the Exploration and
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.data
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a21199 Wed Dec 2 12:29:31 1992
- --- FAQ.data Tue Dec 1 20:23:41 1992
- ***************
- *** 322,330 ****
- kilroy.jpl.nasa.gov ( NASA,Molczan
- directory: /pub/space/
- - nachos.ssesco.com ( NASA,Molczan
- - directory: /sat_elements
- -
- --- 322,327 ----
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.mnemonics
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a21219 Wed Dec 2 12:29:37 1992
- --- FAQ.mnemonics Tue Dec 1 20:23:42 1992
- ***************
- *** 58,64 ****
- Solar Mass Very Easily Makes All Jupiter's Satellites Undergo
- Numerous Perturbations.
- ! Mein Vater erklaert mir jeden Sonntag unseren niedlichen Planeten
- Colors of the spectrum: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
- ROY G. BIV (pronounce as a man's name)
- --- 58,68 ----
- Solar Mass Very Easily Makes All Jupiter's Satellites Undergo
- Numerous Perturbations.
- ! Mein Vater erklaert mir jeden Sonntag unsere niedlichen Planeten
- ! (My Father explains to me every Sunday our nine planets)
- ! Man verachte einen Menschen in seinem Unglueck nie -- Punkt
- ! (Never scorn/despise a person in his misfortune/bad luck/misery
- ! -- period!)
- Colors of the spectrum: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
- ROY G. BIV (pronounce as a man's name)
- ***************
- *** 68,75 ****
- Galilean Satellite of Jupiter: Io Europa Ganymede Callisto
- I Expect God Cries
- I Eat Green Cheese
- ! Ich Erschrecke alle Guten Christen
- Saturnian Satellites
- --- 72,81 ----
- Galilean Satellite of Jupiter: Io Europa Ganymede Callisto
- I Expect God Cries
- I Eat Green Cheese
- + I Embarrass Good Christians
- ! Ich erschrecke all guten Christen
- ! (I scare all good Christians)
- Saturnian Satellites
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.addresses
- No differences encountered
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.new_probes
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a21239 Wed Dec 2 12:29:42 1992
- --- FAQ.new_probes Tue Dec 1 20:23:43 1992
- ***************
- *** 92,97 ****
- --- 92,103 ----
- 10/05/97 - Jupiter Magnetotail Exploration
- + HITEN - Japanese (ISAS) lunar probe launched 1/24/90. Has made
- + multiple lunar flybys. Released Hagoromo, a smaller satellite,
- + into lunar orbit. This mission made Japan the third nation to
- + orbit a satellite around the Moon.
- +
- +
- MAGELLAN - Venus radar mapping mission. Has mapped almost the entire
- surface at high resolution. Currently (11/92) in mapping cycle 4,
- collecting a global gravity map.
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.groups
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a21249 Wed Dec 2 12:29:45 1992
- --- FAQ.groups Tue Dec 1 20:23:42 1992
- ***************
- *** 46,60 ****
- No dues information available at present.
- ! NSS - the National Space Society, formed by the merger of the L-5
- ! Society and the National Space Institute founded by Von Braun. NSS
- ! is a pro-space group distinguished by its network of local chapters.
- ! Supports a general agenda of space development and man-in-space,
- ! including the NASA space station. Publishes _Ad Astra_, a monthly
- ! glossy magazine, and runs Shuttle launch tours, Dial-A-Shuttle and
- ! Space Hotline telephone services. A major sponsor of the annual
- ! space development conference. Associated with Spacecause and
- ! Spacepac, political lobbying organizations.
- Membership $18 (youth/senior) $35 (regular).
- --- 46,64 ----
- No dues information available at present.
- ! L-5 Society (defunct). Founded by Keith and Carolyn Henson in 1975 to
- ! advocate space colonization. Its major success was in preventing US
- ! participation in the UN "Moon Treaty" in the late 1970s. Merged with
- ! the National Space Institute in 1987, forming the National Space
- ! Society.
- !
- ! NSS - the National Space Society. NSS is a pro-space group distinguished
- ! by its network of local chapters. Supports a general agenda of space
- ! development and man-in-space, including the NASA space station.
- ! Publishes _Ad Astra_, a monthly glossy magazine, and runs Shuttle
- ! launch tours, Dial-A-Shuttle and Space Hotline telephone services. A
- ! major sponsor of the annual space development conference. Associated
- ! with Spacecause and Spacepac, political lobbying organizations.
- Membership $18 (youth/senior) $35 (regular).
- ===================================================================
- diff -t -c -r1.14 FAQ.launchers
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a21259 Wed Dec 2 12:29:47 1992
- --- FAQ.launchers Tue Dec 1 20:23:42 1992
- ***************
- *** 3,81 ****
- ! If anyone has more accurate or more complete information, please post
- ! it and copy jim@pnet01.cts.com (Jim Bowery), who maintains the primary
- ! copy of this item. Don't forget to include the source of the
- ! information.
- ! MM/Titan4[H] 296 47000 .... 10300 .... Centaur .... ....
- ! MM/Titan4 277 49000 15000 5800 .... IUS .... ....
- ! MM/Titan3 160 32500 12474 4100 .... TOS .... ....
- ! AS/Arian44L[H] 110 21164 9259 5500 .... none .... ....
- ! GD/Atlas2 80 15700 6200 3000 .... Centaur .... ....
- ! MD/Delta2 52 11100 4010 2000 2816[S] PAMD[H] .... ....
- ! GW/LongMarch3 45 6614 2866 1433 .... none .... ....
- ! EPAC/EagleS2[E] 30 10000(2)5128 3374 ....(4) USTM(3) 0 0
- ! OSC/Taurus[S] 17 2703 .... .... 374 .... 0 0
- ! EPAC/EagleS1[E] 15 6000 .... .... ....(4) USTM 0 0
- ! AMROC/Aquila[S] 10 2000 1467 .... .... none 0 0
- ! SSI/Conestoga 10 1500(5) 900(6) 550(7) .... 0 0
- ! OSC/Pegasus[H] 9.7 750 .... .... .... none 2 1
- ! EPAC/Eagle[E] 6.7 3000 .... .... .... USTM 0 0
- !
- ! (1) For launches where reflight insurance is issued, the fraction of the
- ! launch cost indemnified is the failure level for that flight.
- ! For launches where reflight insurance is not issued, a rough
- ! estimate is made as to the fraction of the launch cost that
- ! would have been indemnified.
- ! (2) LEO given is 300nmi altitude [S].
- ! (3) The bipropellant (Isp=323) USTM has a dry weight of approximately 1600LBS
- ! which must be subtracted from the total weight to determine weight
- ! available for electronics, power, communication and fuel. The USTM
- ! provides station-keeping and course correction in addition to
- ! transfer and apogee burns.
- ! (4) According to [S] escape requires 170kg MMH/NTO fuel with USTM.
- ! (5) 200nmi altitude 37.9d inclination [S].
- ! (6) 400nmi altitude [S].
- ! (7) Includes Conestoga apogee kick stage weight.
- - MM/Titan4[H] .... .... .... 1910449
- - MM/Titan4 .... .... .... 1885525
- - MM/Titan3 .... .... .... 1492200
- - AS/Arian44L .... .... .... 1033000
- - GD/Atlas2 12400 .... .... 360600
- - MD/Delta2 8401 .... .... 450000
- - GW/LongMarch3 .... .... .... 444400
- - EPAC/EagleS2[E] .... 18 1.4km(9) 268145
- - OSC/Taurus[S] 2140 .... .... ....
- - EPAC/EagleS1[E] .... 18 1.4km(9) ....
- - AMROC/Aquila[S] 1467 .... .... ....
- - SSI/Conestoga 900 .... 9.3km(10) ....
- - OSC/Pegasus[S] 649 .... .... ....
- - EPAC/Eagle .... 18 .... 99134
- ! (9) For unknown data, conservative figures for polar orbit can be
- ! estimated by dividing LEO weight by 2.
- ! (10) Circular orbit and <0.02d inclination error to 3 sigma [S].
- ! (11) Reduced payload for upper stage with thrust vector control. 1 sigma [S].
- ! Figures given as "...." are to be included in a future release.
- ! Information sources are indicated by a source code within square brackets.
- ! For example [H] means the associated information and subsequent information
- ! comes from the 1989 Hughes Corp. Survey with dollars given in 1989 dollars.
- ! Source codes: H = 1989 Hughes Corp. Survey
- ! E = 9/1991 E'Prime Aerospace Corp. report
- ! S = "A Status Report on the Availability of Expendable
- ! Launch Vehicles for Small Solar System
- ! Exploration Payloads", Jim McAdams, Science
- ! Applications International Corp. 3/31/1991
- --- 3,195 ----
- ! The following data comes from _International Reference Guide to Space Launch
- ! Systems_ by Steven J. Isakowitz, 1991 edition.
- + Notes:
- + * Unless otherwise specified, LEO and polar paylaods are for a 100 nm
- + orbit.
- + * Reliablity data includes launches through Dec, 1990. Reliabity for a
- + familiy of vehicles includes launches by types no longer built when
- + applicable
- + * Prices are in millions of 1990 $US and are subject to change.
- + * Only operational vehicle families are included. Individual vehicles
- + which have not yet flown are marked by an asterisk (*) If a vehicle
- + had first launch after publication of my data, it may still be
- + marked with an asterisk.
- ! Vehicle | Payload kg (lbs) | Reliability | Price | Launch Site
- ! (nation) | LEO Polar GTO | | | (Lat. & Long.)
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + Ariane 35/40 87.5% Kourou
- + (ESA) (5.2 N, 52.8 W)
- + AR40 4,900 3,900 1,900 1/1 $65m
- + (10,800) (8,580) (4,190)
- + AR42P 6,100 4,800 2,600 1/1 $67m
- + (13,400) (10,600) (5,730)
- + AR44P 6,900 5,500 3,000 0/0 ? $70m
- + (15,200) (12,100) (6,610)
- + AR42L 7,400 5,900 3,200 0/0 ? $90m
- + (16,300) (13,000) (7,050)
- + AR44LP 8,300 6,600 3,700 6/6 $95m
- + (18,300) (14,500) (8,160)
- + AR44L 9,600 7,700 4,200 3/4 $115m
- + (21,100) (16,900) (9,260)
- ! * AR5 18,000 ??? 6,800 0/0 $105m
- ! (39,600) (15,000)
- ! [300nm]
- ! Atlas 213/245 86.9% Cape Canaveral
- ! (USA) (28.5 N, 81.0W)
- ! Atlas E -- 820 -- 15/17 $45m Vandeberg AFB
- ! (1,800) (34.7 N, 120.6W)
- ! Atlas I 5,580 4,670 2,250 1/1 $70m
- ! (12,300) (10,300) (4,950)
- ! Atlas II 6,395 5,400 2,680 0/0 $75m
- ! (14,100) (11,900) (5,900)
- ! Atlas IIA 6,760 5,715 2,810 0/0 $85m
- ! (14,900) (12,600) (6,200)
- !
- ! * Atlas IIAS 8,390 6,805 3,490 0/0 $115m
- ! (18,500) (15,000) (7,700)
- !
- !
- ! Delta 189/201 94.0% Cape Canaveral
- ! (USA) Vandenberg AFB
- ! Delta 6925 3,900 2,950 1,450 14/14 $45m
- ! (8,780) (6,490) (3,190)
- !
- ! Delta 7925 5,045 3,830 1,820 1/1 $50m
- ! (11,100) (8,420) (2,000)
- !
- !
- ! Energia 2/2 100% Baikonur
- ! (Russia) (45.6 N 63.4 E)
- ! Energia 88,000 80,000 ??? 2/2 $110m
- ! (194,000) (176,000)
- !
- !
- ! H series 22/22 100% Tangeshima
- ! (Japan) (30.2 N 130.6 E)
- ! * H-2 10,500 6,600 4,000 0/0 $110m
- ! (23,000) (14,500) (8,800)
- !
- !
- ! Kosmos 371/377 98.4% Plestek
- ! (Russia) (62.8 N 40.1 E)
- ! Kosmos 1100 - 1350 (2300 - 3000) $??? Kapustin Yar
- ! [400 km orbit ??? inclination] (48.4 N 45.8 E)
- !
- !
- ! Long March 23/25 92.0% Jiquan SLC
- ! (China) (41 N 100 E)
- ! * CZ-1D 720 ??? 200 0/0 $10m Xichang SLC
- ! (1,590) (440) (28 N 102 E)
- ! Taiyuan SLC
- ! CZ-2C 3,200 1,750 1,000 12/12 $20m (41 N 100 E)
- ! (7,040) (3,860) (2,200)
- !
- ! CZ-2E 9,200 ??? 3,370 1/1 $40m
- ! (20,300) (7,430)
- !
- ! * CZ-2E/HO 13,600 ??? 4,500 0/0 $???
- ! (29,900) (9,900)
- !
- ! CZ-3 ??? ??? 1,400 6/7 $33m
- ! (3,100)
- !
- ! * CZ-3A ??? ??? 2,500 0/0 $???m
- ! (5,500)
- !
- ! CZ-4 4,000 ??? 1,100 2/2 $???m
- ! (8,800) (2,430)
- !
- !
- ! Pegasus/Taurus 2/2 100% Peg: B-52/L1011
- ! (USA) Taur: Canaveral
- ! Pegasus 455 365 125 2/2 $10m or Vandenberg
- ! (1,000) (800) (275)
- !
- ! * Taurus 1,450 1,180 375 0/0 $15m
- ! (3,200) (2,600) (830)
- !
- !
- ! Proton 164/187 87.7% Baikonour
- ! (Russia)
- ! Proton 20,000 ??? 5,500 164/187 $35-70m
- ! (44,100) (12,200)
- !
- !
- ! SCOUT 99/113 87.6% Vandenberg AFB
- ! (USA) Wallops FF
- ! SCOUT G-1 270 210 54 13/13 $12m (37.9 N 75.4 W)
- ! (600) (460) (120) San Marco
- ! (2.9 S 40.3 E)
- ! * Enhanced SCOUT 525 372 110 0/0 $15m
- ! (1,160) (820) (240)
- !
- !
- ! Shavit 2/2 100% Palmachim AFB
- ! (Israel) ( ~31 N)
- ! Shavit ??? 160 ??? 2/2 $22m
- ! (350)
- !
- ! Space Shuttle 37/38 97.4% Kennedy Space
- ! (USA) Center
- ! Shuttle/SRB 23,500 ??? 5,900 37/38 $248m (28.5 N 81.0 W)
- ! (51,800) (13,000) [FY88]
- !
- ! * Shuttle/ASRM 27,100 ??? ??? 0/0
- ! (59,800)
- !
- !
- ! SLV 2/6 33.3% SHAR Center
- ! (India) (400km) (900km polar) (13.9 N 80.4 E)
- ! ASLV 150 ??? ??? 0/2 $???m
- ! (330)
- !
- ! * PSLV 3,000 1,000 450 0/0 $???m
- ! (6,600) (2,200) (990)
- !
- ! * GSLV 8,000 ??? 2,500 0/0 $???m
- ! (17,600) (5,500)
- !
- !
- ! Titan 160/172 93.0% Cape Canaveral
- ! (USA) Vandenberg
- ! Titan II ??? 1,905 ??? 2/2 $43m
- ! (4,200)
- !
- ! Titan III 14,515 ??? 5,000 2/3 $140m
- ! (32,000) (11,000)
- !
- ! Titan IV/SRM 17,700 14,100 6,350 3/3 $154m-$227m
- ! (39,000) (31,100) (14,000)
- !
- ! Titan IV/SRMU 21,640 18,600 8,620 0/0 $???m
- ! (47,700) (41,000) (19,000)
- !
- !
- ! Vostok 1358/1401 96.9% Baikonur
- ! (Russia) [650km] Plesetsk
- ! Vostok 4,730 1,840 ??? ?/149 $14m
- ! (10,400) (4,060)
- !
- ! Soyuz 7,000 ??? ??? ?/944 $15m
- ! (15,400)
- !
- ! Molniya 1500kg (3300 lbs) in ?/258 $???M
- ! Highly eliptical orbit
- !
- !
- ! Zenit 12/13 92.3% Baikonur
- ! (Russia)
- ! Zenit 13,740 11,380 4,300 12/13 $65m
- ! (30,300) (25,090) (9,480)